Catalog number:
Replacement sheets for OPTIMA 4VC phone cards
Replacement sheets for the album for phone cards series OPTIMA classic.
Replacement sheets for the album for phone cards of the OPTIMA classic series. The set contains 10 replacement sheets OPTIMA 4VC for phone cards, for a total of 80 cards. Outer dimensions of the sheets: 202 x 252 mm.
Delivery Slovakia from 2.90 €
- Packeta delivery point 2.90 €
- Packeta courier 3.70 €
- Slovak post 4.50 €
- SPS courier 5.00 €
- Personal odber u predávajúceho - free of charge
Payments Slovakia
- Cash on delivery 1.00 €
- Bank transfer- free of charge
- Cash payment -free of charge

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