Nitra on Old Postcards

The third book in the series Cities on Old Postcards is the publication Nitra on Old Postcards from 2006. The series displays postcards reproduced on 96 pages at a scale of 1:1. Postcards with captions in English, German, and Hungarian are complemented by detailed accompanying texts (historical description of the place, interesting facts related to it, what is at the place today, etc.). The conclusion consists of a summary in German, English, and Hungarian. In 2006, the titles Levice on Old Postcards and Nitra on Old Postcards were published in this series. Since 2007, Trnava on Old Postcards and High Tatras on Old Postcards have become part of the series. Content PUBLISHER'S WORD 4 AUTHOR'S WORD 5 NITRA AND POSTCARD PUBLISHERS 6 HISTORY 8 OLD TOWN 10 Nitra Castle 12 Upper Town 20 On the Border of Upper and Lower Town 24 Lower Town 28 Parish Street 29 Svätopluk Square 32 Telegdy Street 36 City Hall 38 Merchant Street 39 Piarist Street 42 Štefánik Avenue 44 Štúr Street 56 RAILWAY STATION AND AIRPORT 58 Párovce 62 CITY PARK 64 FACTORIES 66 CALVARY 68 Zobor 72 Pribina Celebrations 80 NITRA AT NIGHT 86 LITHOGRAPHS 90 ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS 92 SUMMARY 93 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 94 REFERENCES 95

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