
Magazine Coins&Bills 2/09

Magazine about coins and banknotes 2/09.
In September 2007, the publication of the magazine Mince&Bankovky in the Czech language began. For many years, many of you may have been buying the globally known German magazines Münzen Revue and Münzen & Papiergeld. Since many collectors do not know German, Czech enthusiasts of this topic decided to bring a range of interesting facts, advice, and expert articles in a language understandable to us, Czech. The magazine is published as a bimonthly. Format of the magazine: A4 Content: Dear friends of numismatics, our publishing house has prepared another issue of the magazine Mince&Bankovky for you. In it, we bring you a number of articles about coins, paper money, medals, and orders. Here is a selection of articles you will find in this issue: Interview – Interview with Vladimír Filip Interview with Petr Šimek Another part of the series on the minting of ancient Bactria. From minting in Silesia. The Hundred Years' War between France and England... and many more. The magazine has 120 pages.

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