
Magazine Coins&Banks 3/08

Magazine about coins and banknotes 3/08.
In September 2007, the publication of the magazine Mince&Bankovky in the Czech language began. For many years, many of you may have been buying the globally renowned German magazines Münzen Revue and Münzen & Papiergeld. Since many collectors do not know German, Czech enthusiasts of this topic decided to bring a range of interesting facts, advice, and expert articles in the Czech language, which is understandable to us. The magazine is published as a bimonthly. Format of the magazine: A4 Content: Jiří Hána - Paths to the Groschen 30th Anniversary - Space Flight New Catalog: Franz II. Markka Coins as Silent - Witnesses of History Rulers from the Line of King - Euthydemus I. History of Money in China News for Coin and Medal Collectors Badges Reminding of Orders Valuation of German Orders and Decorations Reinhold Gerstetter - Author of the Last DM Banknotes Banknotes from Ethiopia Note on the "Blue Hundred" from 1883 - Or What Has Been Incorrectly Labeled from the Start Brazilian Banknote in Memory of Writer Machado de Assis Serial Banknotes from Stolzenau – On the 100th Anniversary of Wilhelm Busch's Death The CNB Issues a New 1000 CZK Banknote into Circulation Current News for Banknote Collectors Letters and many other articles... In the magazine, you will find the following catalogs as an attachment: COINS: Deutsches Kaiserreich 1871 - 1918, Weimar Republic, Third Reich, Federal Republic of Germany, GDR 1948/49 - 1990, German Territories, Euro Coins from All States, ORDERS: Valuation of German Orders and Honorary Decorations. Current Market Prices of Decorations and Orders of the German Democratic Republic.

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