
Magazine Coins&Banks 1/07

Magazine about coins and banknotes 1/07
New on our market. In September of this year, the publication of the magazine Mince&Bankovky in the Czech language began. For many years, many of you may have been buying the globally known German magazines Münzen Revue and Münzen & Papiergeld. Since many collectors do not know German, Czech enthusiasts of this topic decided to bring a range of interesting facts, advice, and expert articles in the Czech language, which is also understandable to us. In this magazine, you will find a selection of the best and most interesting articles that have been published in the German magazines Münzen Revue and Münzen & Papiergeld. The magazine will be published in the Czech language as a bimonthly. From the first issue, we select: The first issue of the magazine has 106 pages and contains the best from the magazines Münzen & Papiergeld, MünzenRevue. - The Golden Treasure of Buckingham - The Last Supper on a Medal by Loos - The California Quarter Dollar - The State Coin from Brown Böttger Stoneware in Times of Need in the Free State of Saxony - Atlas of World Banknotes Bahrain - About a Coin Club and its "Euro Banknotes" - Banknotes from the Straits Settlements

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  • Cash on delivery 1.00 €
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