
200 Sk Slovakia 1998 - Slovak National Council

Commemorative silver coin of the Slovak Republic 1998, with a nominal value of 200 Sk, issued for the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak National Council and the outbreak of the Slovak uprising 1848/1849

Commemorative silver coin of the Slovak Republic 1998, with a nominal value of 200 Sk, issued for the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak National Council and the outbreak of the Slovak uprising 1848/1849
Material: 750Ag, 250Cu
Diameter: 34 mm
Thickness: 2.45 mm
Weight: 20 g
Author: Mgr. art. Patrik Kovačovský
Edge: inscription: "FOR NATIONAL FREEDOM"
standard: mintage 13,400 pcs
proof: mintage 1,500 pcs
Demonetized: 1,900 in standard finish (year 2006)
issue date: 24.6.1998

The Slovak uprising 1848/1849, the first armed uprising of Slovaks in modern history, was part of the pan-European revolutionary wave. Dissatisfaction with the resolution of the national question and the constitutional status after the March revolution and the establishment of an independent Hungarian state, which refused to recognize the national rights of non-Hungarian nations, also led Slovaks to revolutionary action. Its goals were formulated in the "Demands of the Slovak Nation," drawn up in May 1848 in Liptovský Sv. Mikuláš. The uprising was organized by the Slovak National Council - the first national body of Slovaks with political, military, and executive power - established in Vienna and declared on 19.9.1848 at the national assembly in Myjava, where it declared disobedience to the Hungarian government and proclaimed national independence. In three phases from September 1848 to November 1849, several thousand insurgents participated in the expeditions of volunteer corps. Although the uprising did not achieve its goals, it played a significant role in the Slovaks' path to autonomy.


On the obverse of the coin, there is a depiction of the seal of the first Slovak National Council in the center, above it is the state emblem and the year of minting, below it the nominal value. To the left and right of the seal, the name of the state SLOVAK REPUBLIC is placed vertically. In a divided line at the left and right edge of the coin is the date of the declaration of the Slovak National Council in Myjava 19. 9. 1848.

On the reverse of the coin, the figure of Janko Francisci, a prominent organizer of the Slovak revolutionary movement and captain of the Slovak volunteer army, is centrally placed. It is created according to the painting by artist Peter Michal Bohúň and depicts Francisci as a rebel officer. From the figure to the left and right, the text SLOVAK UPRISING is placed vertically. The dates indicating the years of its outbreak and conclusion are in a divided line at the left and right edge of the coin.

source: nbs.sk

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