
200 Sk Slovakia 1994 - Normandy

Commemorative silver coin of the Slovak Republic 1994, with a nominal value of 200 Sk, issued on the 50th anniversary of the landing of Allied forces in Normandy and the 50th anniversary of the armed anti-fascist uprising of the Slovak nation

Commemorative silver coin of the Slovak Republic 1994, with a nominal value of 200 Sk, issued for the 50th anniversary of the landing of Allied forces in Normandy
and the 50th anniversary of the armed anti-fascist uprising of the Slovak nation
Material: 750Ag, 250Cu
Diameter: 34 mm
Thickness: 2.45 mm
Weight: 20 g
Author: academic sculptor Imrich Svitana
Edge: inscription: "SLOVAKS AGAINST FASCISM"
standard: mintage 35,000 pcs
proof: mintage 2,600 pcs
Demonetized: 10,150 in standard finish (year 2002), 400 in standard finish (year 2006)
issue date: 25.8.1994

The Second World War was the most extensive and destructive military conflict in human history. Gradually, 61 countries were drawn into it, and the loss of human lives exceeded 50 million victims.
The landing of the Allies in Normandy, under the code name Operation Overlord or D-Day, took place on 6.6.1944. It was the largest airborne and naval operation of the Second World War, marking the opening of the second front in Europe and significantly accelerating the end of the Second World War. Slovaks also participated in the operation within four Czechoslovak air units.
The Slovak National Uprising broke out on 29.8.1944 and was one of the most significant military actions in the German hinterland, through which Slovaks joined the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition. Its main fighting force consisted of a sixty-thousand-strong army and partisans who maintained control over the territory of central Slovakia for two months.

The main motif is the silhouette of a flying bird in the shape of the letter V. The surface of its wings is filled with linden leaves, a symbol of Slavic mutuality. The state emblem of the Slovak Republic is wedged into the center of the upper part of the wings, above which is the battle slogan MOR HO! The coin field features the name of the state "SLOVAK REPUBLIC", the date of the start of the Slovak National Uprising, the nominal value, and the year of minting.


The coin field depicts the silhouette of an aircraft in the shape of the letter V, flanked by insignia and identification targets of the Allied forces. In the center of the letter is the emblem of the 312th Czechoslovak Fighter Squadron in Great Britain. Below it is the date of the landing of Allied forces in France, above it the inscription D-Day. At the bottom edge are stylized waves, in the center with silhouettes of diving downed enemy aircraft in the shape of V.

source: nbs.sk

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