10 EURO Slovakia 2016 - Presidency
Commemorative silver coin of the Slovak Republic 2016, with a nominal value of 10 EURO "First Presidency of the Slovak Republic in the Council of the European Union"
Material: 900Ag, 100Cu
Diameter: 34 mm
Thickness: 2.45 mm
Weight: 18 g
Author: akad. mal. Vladimír Pavlica
Mintage: in standard finish 2,600 pcs
in proof finish 5,600 pcs
issue date: 14.6.2016
Slovakia will preside over the Council of the European Union from July 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016. This is the first Slovak presidency in history. As the presiding state, it will lead negotiations on new European legislation or current political issues. Its main task within the EU Council will be to seek compromises between member states in European policies, and externally, it will represent them in relation to other European institutions. The presidency's performance mainly involves chairing the preparatory bodies of the EU Council (working groups and committees of the EU Council) and sectoral ministerial formations of the EU Council. For six months, Slovak representatives will act on behalf of the governments of the 28 EU member states, which have a population of over 500 million. At the same time, numerous high-level political and expert meetings will take place in Slovakia. An important aspect is also the increased media and cultural presentation of Slovakia in foreign media and the positive impact on the country's image.
On the obverse of the coin, the state emblem of the Slovak Republic is prominently displayed in the central composition with centripetal dynamic lines in the background, symbolizing the position and significance of the Slovak Republic during its presidency in the Council of the European Union. To the right of the state emblem is the year 2016. At the edge of the coin is the inscription SLOVAK REPUBLIC, which is separated by graphic marks from the designation of the nominal value 10 EURO. The mark of the Kremnica Mint MK and the stylized initials of the coin's design author akad. mal. Vladimír Pavlica VP are located at the bottom of the composition.
On the reverse of the coin, the silhouette of Bratislava Castle is depicted in the central composition with waves representing the Danube River and centripetal dynamic lines in the background. At the edge of the coin is the inscription PRESIDENCY, which is separated by graphic marks from the inscription SR IN THE EU COUNCIL.
source: nbs.sk
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